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Project needs

  • Educational material

  • Projection material (laptop, beamer, screen, etc)

  • Transport and accommodation

  • Expenses compensation

Dutch project partner

Dutch NGO 'The Wilde Ganzen Foundation' supports financing of this project. After collecting the largest part (two thirds) of the needed funds ourselves, The Wilde Ganzen Foundation complemented the final third of the needed funds.


The funds we collected comprise of the following parts:
- donation from Dutch foundation Stichting Den Brinker
- donation from Dutch foundation Stichting TakaTuka Foundation
- anonymous donation from the Netherlands
- donation campaign via Dutch website revenue EUR 1,085.
Except for necessary expenses (website + bank account) donations are fully used for the project.


The project started on December 21, 2021 and will last one year. After that, activities are continued until female circumcision has been abandoned in all of the 10 villages.
We will keep you updated on the progress of the project on this site.

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